»» ENERGY ««

A few weeks ago I had a wonderful conversation with my friend. We stayed up until 3 o' clock in the morning sharing life stories and thoughts. He said something to me that in that moment changed my life and completely opened my eyes: We have to be aware not only of the energies we carry, that we send out, but be aware of those that come back to us. I had told him that I was spending a lot of time on a certain project that just didn't come to any good no matter how much time and love I invested in it. He told me a story of when he and his girlfriend broke up, she broke off all contact but he still hoped to see her, to have the slightest contact with her. They lived on the same street and for one year he went out at any time of the day, mostly at hours he knew she would leave the house and not once did he run into her. After a year he finally realized it; he had spent all this time trying to make it happen but nothing ever came of it. It wasn't meant to be and he had to accept that. 
This story and the essence of what he was telling me stuck with me for a long time, it still does. No matter how much we want something to happen or how much engergy we contribute to something, we have to be aware of the engery coming back from it and adjust to that, to be in tune 
with our surrounding and with the people in our lives.

Hoping an inch of good is worth a pound of years.

- Ray Bradbury "If Only We Had Taller Been"

Photo: Dennis Oppenheim


Learn. Learn everyday about all kinds of things. Everything you can learn
you should open yourself to it, listen, absorb.
Learn about philosophy, art, chemistry, poetry, theology, psychology, math, literature.
But don't take it all in too seriously. Take it like a child: Listen, learn and then go back to playing.


Paint me with the essence of your kindness
Turn to the beast within my willow heart
With the gentlest of hands
As the ocean strokes the rough and brittle sand

- Hannah Maureen Muth

“As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”

- James Allen

Artwork by Brandi Strickland

☼ Childhood Magic ☼

Soaked clothes, dirty feet, adventure possessed, spinning 'till the world turns upside down,
catching frogs, chasing shadows, riding bikes so fast our feet flew off
the pedals, holding hands, sunbathing in the grass, applauding the
cricket concert, packing our bags, not looking back until the sun goes down,
barefoot races, horse-shoe tracing, making wishes to the dandelion,
plucking daisies along the way, oh the beauty of
childhood magic


We took to the woods
Like the sun to the sky
The winds they taught us how to be
Ever changing in the end
There is no pursuit, only journey
And journey is the home
We long to build, to live in
There is no gold waiting at it's end
Our home is our heart

- Hannah Maureen Muth


My wonderful and dear friend Pax Paloscia and I got together while both living in New York City
in the beginning of 2011 and took some photographs together, from those photographs 
she created these Artworks.
Since we met years ago (when I assisted at her exhibiton) I've been a big admirer of her artwork, she inspires me so much with her colors and her eye for a kind of magical reality.
I'm so honored that she chose me to be one of her subjects in photography
and art, to be part of her creation.

More of Pax's Artwork:

 All Artwork and Photography by Pax Paloscia

☽"Just ride with it..."☾

"Life is like a roller coaster, it is going to have beautiful moments but it is going to be real fucked up, too"

Worth a listen for anyone and everyone!